Year 1/2

Welcome back to Term 4! We hope everyone has had a restful break and are eager to continue their learning.


We will continue to have high expectations and work hard towards making strong progress in all curriculum areas and individual student goals.


This term we will be covering the following subject areas and have a strong focus on student wellbeing.


Reading this term will cover a range of strategies from our CAFE (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expand Vocabulary) program and the SOSA Wheel. Our Daily 5 reading choices will be a daily routine, which students complete independently. We will also be delving into inferring, main idea, cause & effect, and compare & contrast, to enhance our reading skills, with a push towards expanding students' Vocabulary.


Writing will have a focus on persuasive and descriptive texts, as we encourage students to be creative and find their voice. As always, our VOICES program provides students with essential writing skills and we will be looking into each of these traits throughout the term. Sound Waves and Oxford Words remain a core focus for spelling and expanding students’ vocabulary.


Numeracy has a strong focus on Number and Place Value through collaborative games. We will continue Open Learning this term and students will be split into their ability groups, learning to a targeted point of need. We will also be addressing Number and Place Value, Fractions, Financial Mathematics and Measurement in our Maths lessons.


Inquiry this term is looking into Earth and Space Science. More specifically, the observable changes that occur in the sky and landscape, and how Earth’s resources are used in a variety of ways. This will be guided by our Inquiry Model with students taking responsibility for their own learning through Tuning In, Finding Out, Sorting Out, Going Further, Making Connections, Taking Action and Reflection. This unit will also have a strong link to the Olympics! Learning is something I do, not something that is done to me.


Digital Technologies will see students being safe and responsible online, working collaboratively, utilising resources and developing their technological skills. Furthermore, students will be initiating and developing coding sequences, using technical devices to program and run a code.


Students will also be participating in weekly Art, Physical Education , S.T.E.M. and Auslan (LOTE) lessons, as well as these being integrated into regular classroom activities. Our Play Is The Way (PITW), Respectful Relationships program and Developmental Play sessions will assist students with identifying themselves as a learner, exploring emotions, participating in challenging games and scenarios, and recognising what is required to have a value become a virtue.


Students will be expected to read for 4-5 nights a week, having written this in their diary, signed by a parent and brought in everyday. We strongly encourage all students to keep their diary and satchel in their bag, and brought to school every day.


Be sure to keep an eye on all of the wonderful work and learning our students are doing in the Seesaw app, as this is a regular feature that students will use throughout the week. This is such a positive and engaging way to be a part of your child’s learning, with the opportunity to view photos of work, listen to learning reflections and provide written feedback to your child.


Please refer to the school newsletter for any school news and key dates.


As always if you have any further questions please feel free to contact your classroom teacher.


Thank you,

Mr Mason, Ms Turner & Ms Kotzur

© Nar Nar Goon Primary School