School Uniform is compulsory at Nar Nar Goon Primary School.
Please follow the link below to read our policy that has been ratified through the NNG School Council in line with Education Department Guidelines:
The Nar Nar Goon Primary School uniform is:
Summer Option 1 Blue check dress, navy blue shorts, pale blue or navy blue polo shirt
Option 2 Navy blue shorts, pale blue or navy blue polo shirt
Winter Option 1: Navy blue track suits, navy blue windcheater with pale blue or navy blue polo shirt or skivvy
Year 6 students have a special jacket and polo shirt that is chosen and ordered at the end of Year 5
In line with the Cancer Council Regulations and to ensure our school meets the requirements of a Sunsmart School, wide brimmed school hats MUST be worn September 1st until April 30th.
The School Uniform is available from
BELEZA, Shop 7, 99 Bald Hill Rd, Pakenham 5941 4989.
Please Note:
© Nar Nar Goon Primary School