This term we will be learning about Earth and Space Science which at our level, involves looking at the weather and seasons as well as observing our environment. We have already selected some fantastic questions about the Earth to explore through Inquiry such as, "How does the weather get made?" and "Why do the clouds have different colours?"
Learning snapshots through SeeSaw will continue in weeks 5, 7 and 9 providing feedback and student voice on progress in Reading, Writing and Numeracy.
Specialist and timetable changes for Term 4 are as follows; Library on Mondays, and Auslan on Thursdays. On Fridays we will have PMP (a language, movement and development session), Art and also PE. We will not be having STEM this term, however we will have lots of opportunities for STEM related activities in our Discovery Learning sessions.
We are continuing Open Learning on Tuesday mornings and have many students visiting Year 1 already! Our reading and writing is taking off and we have been learning about Nouns and Verbs. Later this term we will begin our in school transition to Year 1. The year is flying by!
ASSEMBLY:- Will run on Friday at 3.00pm. Keep your eye on communication from the school website, newsletters, emails, Facebook page, Sentral app and SeeSaw for notification of any changes to the assembly schedule.
© Nar Nar Goon Primary School